
Krystyna Purowska

As the Lead HR, Krystyna has for many years, supported and taken care of ambitious and talented people, most of them employed by international corporations. These are people in search of new professional opportunities willing to undertake significant changes in their lives  to be in agreement with their own values.

She has gained extensive experience in working in multicultural environments often undergoing reorganizations and in need of creating measurable systems of employee evaluation and building organizational cohesiveness.

Krystyna is a graduate of Warsaw University (specializing in foreign language pedagogy) with an MA in English and graduate of Scandinavian Studies program at University College London. She continued with postgraduate studies programs in Managing Human Resources and Social Psychology.

She obtained Certification in Coaching and Mentoring by European Mentoring & Coaching Council and is actively supporting mentees applying methodology of David Clutterbuck.

She has worked in management positions in: American Airlines, H.Neuman International and in senior executive positions in: Medicover Poland, AIG Poland,  National Bank of Poland (NBP) and Johnson  & Johnson.